Transcript Editor Documentation

As with all transcription services, reviewing the podcast transcript created by Blubrry is important. Editing requires careful consideration to ensure the final product is accurate, engaging, and authentic to the original audio content. Whether you’re using Blubrry’s Podcasting AI Assistant, its partner Rev, or even an external source, here are some critical considerations for podcasters when editing these transcripts:

Accuracy: Your Blubrry transcription can be incredibly accurate but possibly not perfect. It can struggle with:

  • Accents and dialects
  • Technical jargon or industry-specific terms
  • Names (especially uncommon ones)

Homophones (words that sound the same but are spelled differently)

  • Check the transcript against the audio to correct any inaccuracies.

Clarity: Spoken language often includes filler words (“um,” “uh,” “you know”), false starts, and repetitions that can make written content hard to follow. Editing for clarity involves removing these elements or rewriting sentences to make them clearer and more concise.

Formatting: Unlike the continuous flow of spoken language, written content benefits from clear formatting. This includes:

  • Breaking text into paragraphs
  • Using headings and subheadings for different sections or topics
  • Including bullet points or numbered lists for sequences or lists
  • Highlighting key terms or phrases in bold or italics for emphasis

Tone and Voice: Ensure the edited transcript remains true to the tone and voice of the original recording. This includes maintaining the speaker’s personality and the overall feel of the podcast. Some nuances of spoken language can be lost in transcription, so it’s essential to adjust the text to reflect the intended tone.

Legal and Ethical Considerations: Be mindful of privacy laws and ethical considerations, mainly if the podcast includes sensitive topics or personal stories. Ensure you have permission to publish identifiable details and consider anonymizing information where appropriate.

Transcriptions and accessibilityAccessibility: Transcripts make your content more accessible to people who are deaf or hard of hearing and those who prefer reading to listening. Ensure your transcript is clear and detailed enough to stand alone for someone who might not listen to the audio.

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Transcripts can significantly enhance the SEO of your podcast by providing text for search engines to index. Consider integrating keywords naturally into your transcript to improve your podcast’s visibility online.
  • Listener Experience: Some listeners might refer to the transcript while listening or use it to find specific information without listening again. Make sure the transcript enhances the listener experience by being easy to navigate and use as a reference.
  • Time Stamps: Including time stamps at regular intervals or at the beginning of new sections can help readers locate specific parts of the audio content more easily.
  • Feedback and Iteration: After publishing a few transcripts, solicit feedback from your audience on their usefulness and readability. Use this feedback to improve the quality of future transcripts continuously.

Editing AI-generated podcast transcripts is not just about correcting errors but also about enhancing the overall value of your podcast for a wider audience.

Blubrry Podcast AI Assistant

How to use Blubrry’s transcript editor in the Podcast AI Assistant. 

  1. Click on Podcast AI Assistant in the left navigation of the Blubrry Dashboard.
  2. In the Episode Podcast Production section (Step 2 of PAI), click on New Production.
  3. Choose the completed Episode Production and click on the Episode Transcript button on the left. 
  4. Edit the transcript and Save the changes.
  5. You will have the option of downloading the transcript via TXT, SRT or VTT. We recommend SRT or VTT.
  6. If you are on Blubrry Publisher, you can Save and upload the transcript directly into your podcast.

Blubrry Transcript/CC Add-on

Add transcription / closed captions with the click of a button during your podcast publishing process.

  1. Subscribe to Rev transcription/closed captioning for $10 a month here.
  2. Head to the Transcript box within the ‘Create Episode’ or ‘Create Post’ box in Blubrry’s dashboard or WordPress.
  3. Select Generate Transcript
  4. Publish your episode.
  5. Your Rev closed caption transcript can automatically be added to the Blubrry modern player within 10-15 minutes.

Transcripts are generated automatically after publishing and are immediately available with Blubrry’s modern audio player. Take a look at an example from Podcast Insider.