Uploading and Publishing Only Media Files

You can upload and publish media files from your Blubrry podcast media hosting account without additional metadata, blog post or episode show notes. You will be provided only a media URL using the following instructions:

1. Sign into Blubrry.com, then select Podcast Dashboard. Using the left-hand menu, select Recordings & Media. This screen lists all of the media files you have previously published that are public (available online).

2. Switch to the unpublished view by selecting Uploaded (Unpublished) Media. This switches you to the media files you’ve uploaded but have not made public (unavailable online).

3. To upload media, click the Upload New Media link.

4. Once your file is uploaded, return to the previous screen of unpublished files, you should now see your recently uploaded file. Select the link labeled Make Public for the media file you want to make available online.

5. Once the file is made public, the media URL will be displayed at the top of the page. You may now copy the URL for its intended use.