Advanced or Pro Blubrry hosting customers can set up a domain for their Blubrry WordPress site by purchasing one at any of the dozens of domain registrars or simply through Blubrry.
Please note that, depending on your domain name provider, it can take as long as 24-48 hours for the domain to reflect the new site. This is not always the case; new domains never mapped to a host should update very quickly. Existing domains may take longer.
Step 1: Log into the Podcaster Dashboard at
Step 2: Click on Website in the left sidebar

Step 3: Select Add Domain
Step 4: Check Domain my putting the domain name in the box.

Step 5: Select “use built-in DNS managed by Blubrry.”

Step 6: Click “Continue” and “Finish”
Step 7: You will need to update the Name Server record for your host name with your domain registrar to and, whether or another registrar. This is done in the domain settings area. Look for “Nameservers” at your registrar.
Step 9 : ****** Only if your choose to use “Other DNS Management” follow step 9 and 10 if you picked the recommended DNS management skip to Step 11.*******
Step 10: Make the following modification to your DNS record for your domain name. By updating the root “A” record to IP and update the CNAME record to what is displayed in the menu.
This should complete your setup. Domains can take as long as 24 hours to start resolving to the new host. In most cases the domain could start working in as few as 15 minutes. Each domain registrar has their own default A record and or Name record update schedules.
After the domain starts working, use the direct login to your site by going to your domain and add /wp-admin/ (example: