Implementing Blubrry Podcast Statistics on SoundCloud

By adding your Blubrry Stats Prefix URL to your SoundCloud settings, Blubrry can track your downloads through SoundCloud and include them in your overall Blubrry statistics. Blubrry is unable to track plays that occur within embedded SoundCloud audio players.

Blubrry measures all media URL downloads. Whatever media is consumed via the SoundCloud podcast RSS feed is measured. Blubrry measures media file downloads and streams; country and state information; platforms such as Windows, macOS and mobile operating systems; applications such as Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, web browsers, TV apps and more.

How to Use Blubrry Stats with SoundCloud

  1. Log in to your SoundCloud dashboard
  2. Click on Settings, found under the three dots next to mail
  3. In the Content tab, add your Blubrry Stats Prefix URL to the Stats service URL prefix field
  4. Save changes and you’re done!

Screenshot of SoundCloud dashboard settings