Getting Started with Blubrry WordPress Websites

PowerPress devices

To get started with Blubrry WordPress Websites, first you need create your site and go through our simple three-step quick start setup.

Things you will need to finish the setup:

  1. A unique title for your podcast site. Search Apple Podcasts and Blubrry to make sure there isn’t already a podcast with the name you would like to use. Remember: you can change it, but you won’t want to after you’ve gotten subscribers.
  2. A tagline for your podcast site. A short description of your site / show.
  3. A Google Analytics UA # (optional.) ONLY if you would like to use Google Analytics on your page – sign up here (link to
  4. Program title (can be different from your site title if you would like it to be).
  5. Program description – A short description of what your show is about.
  6. Program subtitle – Can be different than your site tagline or the same if you wish.
  7. Decide what category (or categories) you want to be listed in the directories such as Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify.
  8. A valid email address – one that you will check on a regular basis, this is how Apple Podcasts would contact you with an issue.
  9. Artwork for your show – The dimensions must be 1400×1400 pixels minimum and square; no larger than 3000×3000 pixels; RGB color space and either JPG or PNG; and no larger than 0.5MB (500kb) in file size.

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