
Blubrry Podcast Support

You’re on the road to publish, analyze and grow with expertise from the Blubrry team.

blubrry phone support


(9 AM – 5 PM EST)

Deleting or replacing media files
  • Delete or replace a media file within your Blubrry Media Hosting subscription; both procedures are covered in this support document.
Migrating from a different service or host
Getting started with PowerPress
Getting started with Blubrry Publisher
‘My feed only shows the 10 most recent episodes’
Directories aren’t showing the episode I recently published
Access the Podcast Manual
  • Blubrry has an extensive Podcast Manual that is the collective knowledge of our many years in the podcasting space.

What is my podcast RSS feed URL?
  • Blubrry Publisher and PowerPress plugin users, click here for instructions on how to find your podcast RSS feed URL.
Can I use Blubrry statistics without being hosted by Blubrry?
  • Yes! All that’s needed is a free Blubrry account and the ability to add your show’s unique Blubrry stats redirect to your show’s podcast RSS feed and/or web players. Check the Getting Started guide for detailed on instructions on setting up Blubrry stats.
What happens if I cancel my Blubrry Hosting?
  • Click here to learn about what may happen when you cancel a Blubrry Media Hosting subscription.
How do I change my podcast title?
  • Click here for instructions on how to update your show title in Blubrry Publisher or the PowerPress plugin.
How do I add podcast cover art?
  • Click here for instructions on how to add artwork to Blubrry Publisher
  • Click here for information on adding artwork to the PowerPress plugin

Looking to Switch Providers?

Blubrry provides world-class support. Is your podcast hosting company there when you need them? Do they pick up the phone when you call? Blubrry supports you by phone, email or via our website. We take pride in our complete and accurate documentation.

Migrate to Blubrry