PowerPress Feed Episode Limit

At first, PowerPress only displays the 10 most recent episodes of your podcast. But you can easily increase this number. By following these simple steps, you’ll be able to show up to 300 episodes in your podcast RSS feed.

Please note that these instructions are only applicable to PowerPress-created podcast RSS feeds. If you want to learn how to change the episode limit in Blubrry Publisher,  please visit this page.

How to Increase the Number of Episodes in PowerPress Feeds

To get started, log in to your WordPress site. Next, hover over the Settings link in the left-hand sidebar of your dashboard. From there, click on the Reading link in the menu that appears.

It’s important to note that the location of items in your sidebar menu may vary depending on your WordPress site’s theme.

Screenshot of red arrow pointing at the Reading settings link in WordPress settings

Once you’re in the Reading settings, look for the Syndication feeds show the most recent field. Change the default number of 10 items to 300 items, then click on the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page.

Screenshot of WordPress feed item limit setting

Keep in mind that you can set this number to any value you prefer. However, it’s recommended to set it to 300 or below, especially if you’re concerned about the performance of your PowerPress podcast feed and load times of your WordPress site.

Now, hover over the PowerPress link in the left-hand sidebar and click on the Settings link in the menu that appears.

Screenshot ot a red arrow pointing at the Settings link inside the PowerPress menu

Once you’re on the PowerPress Settings page, click on the Feeds tab and then click on the Feed Settings link.

Screenshot of a red arrow pointing at the Feed Settings link

In Feed Settings, find the Show the most recent field and enter the same number that you set earlier in the Syndication feeds show the most recent field. Once you’ve done that, click on the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page.

Screenshot of PowerPress Show the most recent setting

With these steps, your PowerPress-generated podcast RSS feed will now display up to 300 episodes. It’s important to note that the operation covered on this page also works for Category Podcasting and Custom Podcast Channel feeds. The only difference is that you need to go to the settings for the specific Category/Podcast Channel feed you want to modify.

Remember, setting a higher number of episodes may impact the performance of your PowerPress podcast RSS feed and could result in longer load times of your WordPress site. If you’re concerned about podcast RSS feed load times, you can use Blubrry’s free Podcast Mirror service to create an alternative feed hosted on our high-performance servers.