Where is my RSS feed email?

If you’re encountering an error about your feed email address not being found when submitting your podcast to a distribution platform, it’s important to know that recently the email was removed from feeds on our system to help reduce spam issues. However, you do have the option to include your email in the RSS feed if needed.

Enable your feed email in PowerPress

  1. Navigate to PowerPress > Settings > Feeds.
  2. Access the Feed Settings section.
  3. Locate the Author Email field (approximately halfway down the page) and input your email.
  4. Click Save Changes to finalize the update.

Enable your feed email in Blubrry Publisher

  1. Head to Show > Manage > Advanced.
  2. Enter your email in the Feed Email field.
  3. Check the box to include your email in the feed.
  4. Click Save Changes to confirm your adjustments.

After your podcast is live on all your desired platforms, you can consider removing your email from the feed again to reduce spam risks. If you have any more questions or need assistance, the Blubrry Support team is always available to help.