Blubrry Statistics Description of Methodology

Measurement Window

Blubrry uses a fixed 24-hour measurement window, in addition to an hourly breakdown at the episode level and month aggregations at all levels.

Measuring Uniques

Blubrry uses the IAB-recommended method of identifying unique downloads using both IP address and User Agent.

IP Hashing

Blubrry hashes the last octect of IPV4 addresses before saving them to the database. Hashed IPs get deleted from the database in three months.

Blubrry does not currently support IPV6.

Exclusion List

Blubrry ingests Udger’s datacenter list using their Local Parser subscription.

For any data centers found to be missing from the Udger list, Blubrry queries hackertarget’s

These lists are re-ingested on the second day of the month and used to update Blubrry’s exclusion list. The system is audited quarterly to find new data centers and other anomalies.