Blubrry Apple Podcasts Subscriptions

Apple Podcasts and BlubrryBlubrry and Apple Podcasts Subscriptions offer monetization opportunities for podcasters, enabling them to generate revenue from their content and listener base. It’s a profitable monetizing option — and signing up is easier than you think! 

Publish Apple Podcast Subscriptions Using Blubrry

  1. Sign in to Apple Podcasts Connect. If you don’t have an account yet, you can create one.
  2. Join the Apple Podcasters Program. You can sign up for the program on your Account page.
  3. Complete your agreement and all required forms.
  4. Set up a subscription. If you have one show, create a show subscription. You can create a channel and set up a channel subscription if you have multiple shows.
  5. Every show should have a minimum of one public episode, published typically from your podcast host (Blubrry). We recommend this be an introduction or trailer episode. Note: Podcasters are allowed to post only premium episodes if they choose.
  6. When your subscription is complete, click the Account tab in Apple Podcasts Connect and select Keys. Generate and download the API Key.
  7. Lastly, continue with the rest of the Blubrry steps.

Note: You must set up subscription pricing and availability information in Apple Podcasts Connect before your subscription is available to listeners on Apple Podcasts.

Blubrry Premium Podcasting customers can dual publish to Blubrry Premium and Apple Podcast subscriptions while making a smooth workflow.

Follow to add your Apple key.