MP3s contain information and images that are useful for the listener of your show. This information is stored into the mp3 in a tagged format called ID3. There are a variety of ID3 Tags such as artist (author), song/episode title, album/program title, and cover art (300 x 300 pixel image) available. Populating your media files with this information will ensure that your media is displayed correctly on most all portable media players and software based audio players.
There are many applications available for purchase to edit your ID3 Tags. We recommend using either iTunes, or EasyTag since they are freely available.
Media Tagging with Blubrry PowerPress
If you are using Blubrry Podcast Media hosting with PowerPress, you can setup automatic tagging, this will write your tags to your mp3s based on the data you’ve already entered into PowerPress settings and your blog post/podcast episode. We highly recommend this feature as it will streamline your podcast production time.
To configure, go to PowerPress menu on the left of your wp-config, then select “MP3 Tagging”. You can enable and configure all of the important tags including episode number and your show’s artwork in this screen.
Edit ID3 Tags with iTunes
If you are using a computer with either a Mac OSX or Windows operating system and are comfortable using iTunes, you can easily edit ID3 Tags.
First, find the mp3 file in question in iTunes and select “File-Get Info” to get a summary of your mp3’s ID3 Tags. Fill in the fields that are appropriate and make sure fields marked required are filled as well. Click the “artwork” tab, then drag and drop your cover art image into the artwork field or click the “add” button and browse for the cover art image on your computer. We recommend using the same 300 x 300 pixel image used for your iTunes RSS feed for your cover art image.
Edit ID3 Tags with EasyTag
EasyTag is a cross platform audio file tag editor. It supports the mp3 file format as well as ogg, mp4 and aac. EasyTag may be used on many flavors of Linux, MacOSX and Windows.
Download latest Windows version of EasyTag