Blubrry podcasters, your shows are featured in our directory and that means lots of new people can find and subscribe to your show. For podcast enthusiasts, there are tons of shows to discover. Blubrry hosting customers’ podcasts are automatically included to the podcast directory.
Find any type of audio or video podcast that you could be interested in. This directory is up-to-date, so you won’t find any inactive shows.
Where to Find Your Podcast Directory URL
- Head to Manage Show in the sidebar of the Podcaster Dashboard
- Locate your Directory Listing in the Tools tab
What Happens If You Remove Your Listing
Blubrry Search: Anyone looking through the Blubrry Podcast Directory will not be able to search for your show in our directory.
Blubrry Directory Category: Anyone looking through the Blubrry Podcast Directory will not be able to find your show via our Category option.
About Your Podcast Listing
We do not modify your content or media files whatsoever. We understand that honoring your brand is critical.
Your show listing will contain the following at a minimum:
- Your show name and summary
- Hostname(s)
- Apple Podcasts artwork, Apple Podcasts link
- Link to your website
- RSS feed and location if embedded in your feed
- Subscribe on Android link
- Subscribe by Email link
Interested in Blubrry Podcast Hosting?
If you’re ready to start or migrate your podcast to a new platform, then you can reap the benefits of hosting your podcast with Blubrry. Join the community and take advantage of everything Blubrry has to offer: hosting, analytics, monetization and more!