Starting a Podcast After 60

Start a Podcast After 60Ah, retirement! When you get to be around 60 years old it is top of mind for many a lifelong worker. But the question remains, when you’re not on achy knees gardening, on that cruise ship in the Caribbean, or touring Italy on a moped, how will you stay engaged in life and keep your mind sharp?

It’s easy: Launch a podcast!

If you’re older than 60, you’re bound to have wisdom to share and stories to tell. Do you have children, grandchildren or younger family and friends in general? Too often the ancestral stories of your youth go to the grave when they could and should be shared with the coming generations. Stories that might seem menial or insignificant to Boomers offer immeasurable insights and life lessons to those coming after us.

Share Your Knowledge

Heck, if you’ve worked in one job or even 20 throughout your lifetime, you have a bunch of insights, best practices and colorful stories to share. What was it like before the internet? How could you bear sharing a phone number with all of your family members – and (gasp) being tied down by a gadget strapped to the wall with only a three-foot curling cord? Were there really only three channels you could watch on TV? Did you ever have a pet dinosaur? (Joking!)

Starting a podcast after 60 offers the silver generation a unique chance to share stories, insights, and wisdom, which younger podcasters may not yet possess. It allows you to captivate and inspire an audience, formed not only within their age group but also among younger folks eager to learn from your experiences. 

Podcasting for the grandkidsYou’re never too old to learn new tricks and technology. And podcasting can be a remarkable adventure filled with boundless opportunities for self-expression, creativity and fun. It challenges your brain: Even if there are times when you’re swearing and maybe even crying from frustration, the result will be satisfying. 

The best news as you consider launching a podcast is that Blubrry Podcasting will be with you every step of the way. Not only does it provide helpful insights on starting and growing your podcast – check out the free online Podcast Manual – it has by far the latest and greatest tools and features, and the best support team in the business. 

If you want to take this ease of podcast production a step further, check out the Concierge Onboarding service, through which Blubrry’s experts get your show set up for you with the support team walking you through the process as you prepare to launch. 

Another idea, if you have a YouTube channel and/or prefer video-first, Blubrry’s Vid2Pod video-to-automatic podcast conversion feature transitions your audio from ‘film’ to a bonafide podcast! It’s easy. Sign up for Advanced Hosting or above. Import your channel and viola! You’re a podcaster!

AI is Your Friend . . . For Now

Don’t be scared. There is a lot of buzz and apprehension about artificial intelligence, but although some theorize that AI could destroy humanity, here and now it can be your friend. (And if you’re like me, always be polite and say thank you so if the time of mass extinction arrives, you and your family might be spared.) Blubrry’s Podcast AI Assistant, part of its multifaceted Thrive Bundle, can help you through the rough patches when planning, producing and promoting your podcast.

Guess what else? You can make money at podcasting! Anyone hosting with Blubrry can take advantage of programmatic advertising, Value4Value through Podcasting 2.0, and in higher-level hosting plans, Dynamic Ad Insertion.

That said, a lot of us won’t be looking for a payout. Maybe simply another layer added to our legacy. For some of us, although it’s a ton of fun to watch the listeners/downloads statistics tick upward, posterity and just getting the story chronicled is the goal. 

No Audience? No Worries!

For those who enjoy attention and notoriety, the notion of starting a podcast with no audience can incite apprehension. But consider this: every renowned podcaster started with zero listeners. Every venture begins with a leap of faith and the promise of growth over time. The key here is patience, persistence, and understanding that you have something valuable to talk about. With these qualities, the initial lack of audience becomes less discouraging, rather a motivating factor to strive for progress.

The benefits of starting a podcast post-60 are manifold. It provides an avenue for creativity, personal expression, a legacy and even fun. It not only holds personal significance but has the potential to impact society by fostering inter-generational dialogues and influencing perspectives, shaping a more inclusive world for all ages.

If you see retirement on the horizon and you know darn well you’ll need something to keep you on your toes, consider starting a podcast. You can even record it on your iPhone while nestled in your cozy armchair or front porch rocking chair (kidding) or via Facebook surrounded by virtual friends from across the globe. 

For, like the wind in your face on the deck of a mighty cruise ship, or letting go of the handlebars rolling down the hills of Tuscany, you can feel the thrill of shaping narratives and embarking on a path to be heard in the podcasting world. It is never too late to start something new. So, are you ready to tune into the podcasting frequency? Let us know – we’re here to help!

The author has been with Blubrry for 18+ years as a writer/editor, but only last month started her podcast. And, yes, she’s over 60 and thus very familiar with “What was it like before . . .” questions from grandchildren.