Focus on Features: Blubrry Free Stats

Focus on Features is an ongoing series that explores the catalog of tools/services offered by Blubrry.

Every podcast needs good stats. But not all podcast-publishing solutions provide stats. Blubrry can help bridge that gap. Blubrry offers two tiers of stats; Free Stats and Standard Stats. We’ll be looking at Free Stats this week.

What it is: Blubrry Free Stats is a free service that can be used by anyone, as long as their publishing platform supports third-party stats. Blubrry Media Hosting is not required in order to use Free Stats.

How it works: Sign up for a free Blubrry account and log in to your Podcaster Dashboard. Click the Sign Up for Free Basic Statistics link inside the Podcast Statics box and complete the Stats signup process. Click the Getting Started link to find your show’s unique Blubrry statistics prefix URL. Prepend your show’s media file links with your Blubrry stats prefix URL and Blubrry will begin tracking your downloads.

What it isn’t: Blubrry provides media-download statistics only. Blubrry Stats aren’t for “feed hits” or “subscriber counts.” Also, Blubrry values listener privacy and doesn’t employ user tracking or attribution technology.

Not sure how your podcast is performing? Blubrry Free Stats are a comprehensive, industry-leading solution for both brand new and longtime podcast producers. Sign up today and start counting those downloads!