7 New Year’s Resolutions Podcasters Should Make In 2017

Now that it’s been 2017 for a few days, you might be rocking your New Year’s Resolutions…or totally slacking. No matter: it’s never too late to resolve to have a better, more successful, and more engaging podcast! Here are 7 podcasting resolutions we think are totally worth making, starting today:

  1. Invest in better sound. The first thing your audience will notice is how your podcast sounds, and bad audio is a turnoff many would-be listeners can’t get past. You don’t have to drop a bunch of dough for a top-of-the line setup all at once, though. Remember, you can upgrade your equipment a little at a time, and often you can get better sound for free just by making some adjustments to your surroundings or editing process. Check out our tips for getting the best possible sound out of your setup. 
  2. Rethink your podcast art. Is your podcast’s cover art really doing your show justice? Use of color, symmetry, and clearness of message are all important qualities to consider when creating the image that represents your show episode after episode. Check out our podcast cover art design tips to make your show’s imagery clearer and more compelling!
  3. Be more engaging. Podcast listeners are your community, and community is a powerful thing. Interacting with your audience is essential for turning casual listeners into loyal advocates. Check out these three simple tips for increasing engagement and making your show more successful!
  4. Attend a podcasting event. One of the best ways to increase your knowhow and network with other bloggers is by attending a conference or other podcast event. Here’s our list of must-go podcasting events in 2017.
  5. Be consistent. One of the most foolproof ways to increase your podcast’s audience is by listening
  6. Get more exposure. Claim your place in the Blubrry podcast directory to make your show easier to find, to give you access to premium social tools, increase your brand awareness and make your show eligible for advertising opportunities!
  7. Increase your traffic. By making a few simple tweaks to your show, you can make it much easier for listeners to find you.

The best thing about these resolutions is that each of them will give you big results in not a ton of time. Why not pick a few off the list and resolve to have a bigger, better podcast in 2017?