Blubrry’s FREE New Blubrry WordPress Website Makes Podcasting Push-Button Easy

Q: What’s the number-one thing that keeps would-be podcasters from getting started – or good podcasters from becoming GREAT?

A: Technology hurdles. The hassle of starting and optimizing a WordPress website, setting up a podcast feed, allowing an audience to listen and download episodes, figuring out how to encourage listeners to subscribe and share on social, and publishing show notes. It’s a lot of work and a ton of moving parts to navigate.

Wouldn’t you rather just spend your time producing great content?

Well now, with the help of the revolutionary new Blubrry WordPress Website, you can do just that.

Blubrry’s Blubrry WordPress Website is essentially the “easy button” for podcasting. With a free Basic account, users get a hosted WordPress website (the perfect place for publishing show notes and a streaming version of your show via the PowerPress audio player) that comes with built-in subscribe widgets, website streaming capabilities, and other essential plugins. The sites are designed with search engine optimization in mind, and can be set up in five minutes so you can get your show up and running right away.

Other Blubrry WordPress Website features include:

  • Site caching for speed
  • The option to include Google Analytics
  • Templates specifically designed for podcasters
  • New PowerPress Player, released earlier this year exclusively for hosting customers. Unbranded and podcast-focused, the player provides multiple capabilities for listeners: sharing, subscribing, show notes and downloading.

Currently, the free Basic level is available exclusively to Blubrry hosting customers. Future releases will include Deluxe, Professional and Enterprise levels to allow podcasters to use a custom domain and access increased features, plugins, themes and capabilities.  

With the technological hurdles of getting set up removed, the would-be podcaster now has no excuse. Create! Podcast! Publish…with Blubrry WordPress Website, there’s nothing standing in your way.