Looking to attend a podcast conference and/or event next year? ‘Twas a few nights before year’s end, I was almost to my house. I called…
Category: Announcement
Those searching for a new opportunity, you’re in luck. We’re looking for a social media strategist to join our team. You’ll be responsible for creating…
Blubrry is introducing a new web-based podcast player that uses transcription products integrated with Rev. This player will provide Blubrry podcasters with closed captioning and…
Podcasters looking for monetization opportunities look no further than Blubrry’s new programmatic advertising. Programmatic advertising is available to all Blubrry hosting customers today, regardless of…
Blubrry Podcasting has partnered with Descript, an all-in-one audio/video editing service, to allow customers to publish their edited podcasts directly to Blubrry’s publishing platform. Automated…
Blubrry hosting customers can sign up for free podcast training Are you looking for a reliable and trustworthy podcast expert? Our partner, PodRocket Academy, is…