Prevent Podfading: Don’t Let Your Podcast ‘Fall’ Off Track

Autumn begins Saturday, and as the leaves change and begin to fall it’s a good time to talk about ensuring your podcast doesn’t fall off track. Podfading – the decline or ending of a podcast – can be a frustrating obstacle for podcasters, listeners and advertisers alike. But never fear! With some simple strategies, you can keep your podcast thriving through the season and well beyond. 

Our Blubrry team boasts some of the longest-running podcasts in the industry. Here, a few team members weigh in on best practices for keeping your show active and your listeners and advertisers happy.


  • Choose a topic you’re enthusiastic and passionate about.
  • Don’t fall into the “imposter trap.” The imposter trap is when you don’t think you know enough about the topic to talk about it. You don’t need to be an expert to produce and continue your podcast. Rely on research and other sources to help you develop your topics. Consider the whole process as a learning adventure for your listeners and for yourself. 
  • You don’t need a lot of expensive equipment to produce your podcast. All you need is good clean audio. Even if your audio falls somewhat short of clean there are AI tools out there that can clean your audio and make it sound like it was produced by a studio. 


  • Ask for help. In the decade that I’ve been podcasting, I’ve podfaded many shows because I was doing everything solo, which ultimately led to burnout and disinterest.. Maybe you know someone – a friend, co-worker, or even an audience member you’ve been in contact with – who would be willing to jump in and edit for you or step in as a guest host while you take a break. 
  • Announce and plan breaks ahead of time. Your audience will get used to your release schedule and when you suddenly stop releasing episodes – especially missing multiple releases – they may get concerned. Planned breaks not only give your listeners a heads up, it also shows your respect for them and can solidify your relationship with them in the future. Combine this with my first recommendation and you’ll reduce creator fatigue and podfading.
  • Change your format. There are a lot of reasons why you might be tempted to stop your podcast, but a big one I’ve dealt with personally is disinterest in the topic. While you may love your topic, you might be bored with how you’re presenting it. Instead of an hour-long interview, what if you shortened it to a half-hour and extrapolated ideas from your guest? Doing a show with no guests? Get in touch with someone in your niche for a guest spot on a topic you both are passionate about. There are millions of podcasts out there; surely someone would be happy to join you.


  • If your show is evergreen, produce episodes ahead of time so you have some in the bank. This will lower the pressure/stress that can happen if you’re up against a deadline for publishing your next episode.

Thanks, team! Excellent advice. Here are some more tips:

Consistency is Key

Prevent podfading by delivering quality content at a pre-determined schedule that works for you and stick to it. Whether it’s weekly, bi-weekly or monthly, your listeners will appreciate being able to know when to expect a new episode.

Plan Ahead

Planning the topics and guests ahead of time will give your listeners a clear idea of the content they can expect. It will also ensure that you don’t run out of material and have to scramble to find something new.

Keep It Engaging

Using sound effects, music and jingles can keep the production exciting and captivate your audience. Incorporating humor, storytelling and asking thought-provoking questions can also make your podcast stand out in a crowded market.

Don’t Be Afraid to Rebrand

Starting with a fresh new cover art, intro music, or placing a greater emphasis on the show’s mission can attract new listeners and reignite the interest of existing ones. Incorporating timely events, special guests, or changing up the format to keep it fresh can also add excitement.

Interact with Your Audience

Incorporating listener feedback, live Q&A sessions, or guest appearances, can add a personal touch to your podcast and create a loyal following. Establishing a presence on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram can also help create a community and provide valuable feedback to improve your podcast.

We’d like to hear from other successful podcasters on what tips they have for keeping content lively and consistent, and not falling into podfading.