Is Having Your Own Website Important? You Bet It Is!

Website with clock We recently returned from Podcast Movement Denver (podcast episode to come!) where we talked a whole lot about the importance of owning your own website. We had a great time explaining how Blubrry offers you a free WordPress site when you host with us. Not only that, we make it easy to upload your audio with our PowerPress plugin.

Many creators might not fully appreciate the importance of having their site and being the source of your content. So, if we didn’t get to chat with you about it at Podcast Movement (or any of the other conferences), we’ll lay it out for you here.

A crucial element in building your podcast’s brand is having a dedicated website on your domain. Your podcast website is the go-to destination for your audience to discover the latest episodes and learn more about your show. A professional-looking website enhances your podcast’s brand image and credibility and is a great place for a lead funnel and merchandise, too!

Over time, a website can improve your authority and boost organic search results (SEO). This is in large part because when you host with us you control your brand; not being listed in search engines as a subsidiary of another hosts’ operation. When visitors land on your site, they can better understand your show’s purpose and content. Your website is also an ideal location for your audiences and prospective audiences to discover individual episodes.

A website doesn’t replace your social media presence, of course, rather it enhances it. Instead of directing your listeners to external directories, you can send them to your site, where they can explore additional relevant content, get to know you better and, heck, buy your merchandise!

Creating a cohesive online presence for your podcast can strengthen your brand and engage your audience more effectively. Consider the importance of owning your website and unlock the full potential of your podcasting journey. And know for sure that we’re right there with you, quietly helping you on your way.

Check out how to create your WordPress site on Blubrry here.