Gather Podcast Audience Data with Blubrry’s Updated Listener Surveys

New Changes Coming to Blubrry’s Audience Surveys

Podcasters are always looking for insights on their listeners. And we’ve always offered an audience survey to our users to provide their audiences to gain demographic data on your show’s listeners. Now, we’ve refined the survey and will soon add the graphical results to the new audience tab in podcast statistics.

Utilizing our listener survey, you’ll discover information such as listeners’ age, favorite genres, what they do and do not like about the show, and a comment section if they’d like to share a note to you privately or publicly via social media.

As podcasters, you want to know more about your audience’s habits and thinking; that way, you can quickly build a more robust way to reach them and satisfy their wants and needs. This information is a great way to do that and – combined with your podcast stats data – you’ll be well suited to make adjustments that please your listeners.

Where to Find Your Audience Survey

  1. Go to the sidebar in the dashboard.
  2. Go to Statistics
  3. Click on the Audience tab, and you’ll find a link that you can easily share with your followers and, for now download results.

Why You Should Use a Podcast Audience Survey

  1. Be more interactive with your listeners! It’s somewhat of a no-brainer, but it can be difficult to tell if people genuinely connect with the episodes that you’re posting. Hear directly from them, in a private but open setting where they feel they can be truthful.
  2. Monetize! Gather data for advertisers. Your podcast statistics are an essential part of winning over an advertiser, but the demographic data you’ll now have will make it an easy decision on their part.
  3. Make sure you’re on the right track. You’ll know a bit about your podcast audience in your gut, but why take that chance when you have a sure thing available?
  4. Create a media kit. The possibilities are endless when you want to expand on your podcast content. One easy way to get your foot in the door for other avenues is with a simple and well-put-together media kit containing download/play numbers and information such as age, income, favorite part of the show, etc.
  5. Start conversations on social. A fantastic new feature we added this time around is the ability for the survey taker, aka the listener, to easily share a comment about the show on their social media.

You can easily share the survey link anywhere you’d like, such as in your newsletter, social media, blog posts and/or QR codes. Survey results can be found within the audience tab of the podcast statistics section of the dashboard.

The phrase ‘any news is good news’ also pertains to your audience survey results. Take your listener’s information and opinions in stride and know that you can use this data, along with our new data metrics – Impactful Plays and Retention – to make changes that will help you refine your episodes and create a more enjoyable and well-received podcast.