The History of the Blubrry Way

Where podcasting achievements feed future innovation

Blubrry was founded to empower people to express their knowledge and creativity through sound. Blubrry’s current service and business model dates back to 2005 when Blubrry’s parent company, RawVoice Inc., was formed. With such a long pedigree of service, Blubrry can proudly claim itself among the original podcasting companies. Now it is helping more than 100,000 podcasters with hosting, distribution, audience statistics, and the other tools they need to publish and market their podcasts. There are some events in their corporate timeline that should be highlighted because they either impact a current service or the event demonstrates a significant difference that Blubrry is making in the podcasting industry.

In 2005 Blubrry was the first company to represent podcasters in advertising deals.

Blubrry has an established history of providing lucrative advertising income for podcasters. You should trust the companies that act on your behalf and the companies with which you share revenue. Blubrry’s experience can be trusted.

In 2008 Blubrry released PowerPress, a WordPress publishing plugin for podcasts. Also in 2008 Blubrry began hosting podcasts

Since 2008, Blubrry has supported the podcast dreams of over 100,000 different podcasters by hosting their podcasts and supplied more than 1 million downloads of the PowerPress plugin. Blubrry could not provide services at this volume if podcasters did not receive value from what we provide.

In 2010 and again in 2015 Blubrry pushed the boundaries of how podcasts were received by creating a Roku Channel (2010) and allowing podcast subscriptions through email and Android devices (2015).

In 2017 Blubrry:

  • Acquired Cast Feed Validator
  • Launched Podcast Mirror
  • Began offering free WordPress Sites to Blubrry hosting customers
  • Launched WordPress Advanced

In 2020 Blubrry:

  • Launched Private Internal Podcasting (PIP) for secure internal communications
  • Began offering podcast hosting on Amazon Web Service (AWS) Marketplace

These recent actions reflect a company that is forward-thinking and is developing innovations that continue to benefit podcasters. Blubrry’s corporate wisdom earned since 2005, and our continually evolving long-term vision is unique in the podcast industry.

In recognition of Blubrry’s 15th anniversary, Todd Cochrane, RawVoice/Blubrry’s Founder/CEO offers, “Quality service and support, and podcasters owning their shows and sites, are at the core of The Blubrry Way. So, even though I don’t know exactly what the world of podcasting will look like 15 years from today, I know Blubrry will be there to continue to help podcasters, indie and pro alike, to reach their goals.”