Happy Social Media Day

While nestled between National Waffle Iron Day (June 29) and National Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day (July 1), National Social Media Day (June 30) is the true treat of summer. Celebrate with the hashtag #SMDay and add to others’ revelry. Why shouldn’t we celebrate, we are podcasters, right?

Any podcaster worth their salt is all over social media. If you are not posting in a Facebook community, you should be scheduling tweets or taking pics for Insta. By doing this you are both building your online clout and finding new listeners.

But maybe the best thing that social media does for a podcaster is that it allows you to personally connect with your listeners and allows a way for your audience to interact with each other. Each of those actions strengthen your audience’s connection with you and your show.

Imagine what your podcast would look like without social media…

Thus, it is right that we as podcasters set a day aside to recognize social media and all the benefits it brings into our lives as podcasters. On June 30 consider doing any of the following 11 things to commemorate what social media does for you (11 because this is the 11th annual Social Media Day).

  1. Scroll through your list of friends/contacts and reach out to someone you have not talked to in a while.
  2. Create a video and thank your followers for being part of your life on #SMDay.
  3. Look through your social media history and post any themes or insights you discover.
  4. Post an interesting or compelling picture from your phone, but offer no other comment or explanation.
  5. Create a meme that makes you laugh.
  6. Search for new friends/contacts to connect with.
  7. Share a post that deeply impacted you in the past year.
  8. Share your intentions for how you are going to use social media in the next year.
  9. Offer (both online and offline) to mentor someone on the use of social media.
  10. Add a Social Media Day photo border to your profile picture.
  11. As mentioned above, use the hashtag #SMDay to amplify your voice.

Use the comments below to share what you did for Social Media Day 2020…