Webinar! Get to Know Audioburst and Blubrry

Sign up for our joint webinar!

audioburst partnership announcementAs podcasters are looking for easier ways to share their content, we partnered with Audioburst to make this possible — they offer free audio ‘bursts’ to share on social media and elsewhere, transcriptions of episodes and additional distribution. Best of all any Blubrry hosting customer gets all of this for free! We’re diving in deep on how it all works next week in our webinar.

What Audioburst Offers:

  • Episode transcriptions
  • Audio clips aka bursts!
  • Social sharing
  • Potential revenue and monetization
  • Additional distribution

Sign up to attend the webinar happening Wednesday, September 25th at 3-4 ET, where we’ll be showing you the Audioburst Creators platform and as they like to say, Do More with Your Content. We’ll be including Q&A, so you’ll get the most out of the webinar if you can attend live.

Since Blubrry and Audioburst joined forces in March earlier this year we’ve had hundreds of customers utilize their features, and are now implementing them into their regular publishing routine. All the magic happens from Audioburst’s AI library, which means no work for you – just get your RSS feed added and reap the benefits.

Any Blubrry hosting customers can sign up with Audioburst now in the Blubrry Podcaster Dashboard and anyone interested in learning more about the features should attend the webinar. To learn more about the partnership check out the Blubrry Partners page and Audioburst.

Sign up for the webinar!