Repurposing Podcast Content

Podcasting Tips: Repurposing Podcast Content
Podcasting Tips: Repurposing Content

Podcasting tips, just like leftovers, can be a soggy, bland, soul-crushing experience. Or, they can be a treat: french toast (stale bread + milk & eggs), tortilla chips (stale tortillas cut up and fried), and fried rice (leftover rice fried to deliciousness with a hearty helping of soy sauce) come to mind. Athletes trying to keep fit in cold winter months used peach baskets and soccer balls to create basketball. Is that enough mixed metaphors yet? Yes? Ok, good. Let’s move on to why & how to repurpose content for & from your podcast.

Podcasting tips on repurposing podcast content and why you should consider it

Invariably, there are certain episodes, series, or topics which drive a ton of consumption. Pro tip: if you’re not sure how your content is performing, who is consuming it, on which devices, etc., you might want to check out our Podcast Media Download Statistics; they’ll give you the data you need to make important decisions about your show and how to grow it. This content, that’s driving a disproportionate share of your media downloads, is a great place to start. You know your audience likes it.

It’s also a great way to introduce your audience to content they may have missed and/or introduce new audience members to your brilliance in other forms.

How to repurpose content: A few podcasting tips

Please, please, please don’t just throw up a transcript of your podcast on your blog as a post. The key to repurposing–both with food, sports and with podcast content–is to make it a new experience, not a shadow of the original. People can re-read that blog post on their own, they don’t need you to literally read it to them and call it a podcast episode. Conversely, they can read your show notes rather than a whole other blog post where you “repurpose” podcast content.

Instead, use this as an opportunity to go into more depth on certain aspects. Or provide different examples. Or, if you’re going from an audio podcast to a video podcast, add some interesting visuals.

Another great tip is to use it as a way to update the content. For example, if you’ve got a podcast episode about the top french toast recipes of 2017, why not create a blog post or video podcast updating that list for 2018?

End of year “best of” list time is coming soon. Why not create a list of your most popular content, why you think it’s popular, and then link through to that content? Could be a great way to increase the connections you have with your audience.


There you have it. We went from turkey sandwiches to best of lists, all in an effort to show you that repurposing podcast content can be a powerful tool to help grow your podcast audience, and give you opportunities to expand on some of your favorite topics.