Blubrry and BackBeat Media Join to Revolutionize Host-Read Ads in Podcasting

We at Blubrry Podcasting are super excited to announce a partnership with BackBeat Media, which has been at the forefront of helping niche podcast networks flourish by matching them with ideal sponsors since 1999. The companies’ philosophies prioritize deep connections between advertisers and audiences, emphasizing the value of genuine, content-driven sponsorships.

This collaboration introduces a new suite of host-read advertising services tailored for select Blubrry-hosted podcasts, aiming to optimize sponsor engagement and audience experience. This integration allows us to provide users with premium advertising opportunities while maintaining the authenticity that listeners value.

Blubrry is proud of its extensive features that support podcasters from initial setup to advanced analytics and monetization. By partnering with BackBeat Media, we can now offer its users access to premium, personalized advertising opportunities that resonate with their listeners and uphold the quality of their broadcasts.

Our CEO, Todd Cochrane, is enthusiastic about joining forces, stating, “We are thrilled to partner with BackBeat Media to bring additional revenue opportunities to Blubrry Podcasters. Our shared history goes back to the beginning of podcasting, and our podcasters are in great hands with Dave and his team.”

The new host-read ad services are available immediately to a select group of Blubrry-hosted podcasters, focusing initially on those who demonstrate strong engagement with their audiences. These creators’ audiences will be on the receiving end of authentic, impactful advertising from this new network of distinguished sponsors.

Podcasters need a minimum of 1,000 plays/downloads per episode over 30 days. Podcasters who meet these criteria and are interested in enhancing their monetization strategies are encouraged to apply to be part of this exciting new venture.

Applications are open, and we invite our community to join us in this innovative approach to podcast advertising.

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