To Health With That! MTHFR Mutations.

To Health With That! MTHFR Mutations.

Latest Episodes

Can't Fall Asleep and Can't Stay Asleep - But Why?
November 19, 2023

There are four big categories of sleep disorders and today we'll talk about the first two. Number one is hard time falling asleep and number two is hard time staying asleep. Taking a look at your sleep pattern can help you to figure out what is actual

Sleep Basics and 8 Keys To A Healthy Sleep-Wake Cycle
November 05, 2023

Sleep is one of our basic bodily functions and a key to good daytime energy and productivity. We'll talk about what sleep is, what it's for, and the basic sleep phases. We will also talk about the role of MTHFR in sleep and also the link between s

What Makes You Feel Energetic?
October 22, 2023

While we're talking about fatigue, it's important to also talk about what helps you feel energetic, because sometimes knowing what gives you energy can help you understand what is going wrong. We'll talk about sleep, hormones, cellular energy,

Why Do Depression and Fatigue Look the Same?
October 08, 2023

Depression and fatigue look incredibly similar, but we treat them totally differently. Maybe it's time for treatment strategies to begin to overlap. We'll talk about how these two conditions intermix, and how you can begin to address both of them.

Fatigue First Step - Rule Out The Basics
September 24, 2023

The first step to tackling your fatigue and getting your energy back, is finding out if there is something underneath, causing the fatigue, that you can fix quickly. Some of these simple fixes might need some bloodwork from your doctor, and some will req

What is Fatigue And Why Are We All Exhausted?
September 10, 2023

Fatigue and exhaustion are going around - we are all struggling. But why? What is really going on here? What is fatigue, what causes it, and why does everybody I know have it? We'll do a quick overview of the causes of fatigue, including lack of resou

Drumroll please... Season 4 Topic Announcement.
May 14, 2023

I have enjoyed this season so much - the interweaving of MTHFR and fertility and the ever-interesting conversation about women's health and hormones. Huge thanks to Dr. Kate Naumes, who made the season so much fun. Without further ado, it is time for

Fad Diets and Disordered Eating for Fertility
April 30, 2023

There is a new fad diet every 20 minutes, or at least it feels that way. It could be paleo, ancestral, keto, the potato diet, the grapefruit diet, the bean diet, and the list goes on. So, how are these fad diets generally, and how are they for fertility?

The BEST Diet for Fertility
April 23, 2023

The best diet for fertility sounds like a big claim to make, but the science is clear about what is needed and what isn't. This episode we'll talk about: What part of the BMI normal range is best for baby-making Basic diet guidelines that are s

Ideal Medicine vs. Medicine In Real Life
April 02, 2023

Of course there is a perfect way to do things if you have all the money, time, and resources to throw at it, but what about what actually happens in real life? Because let's face it, we're all dealing with medicine IRL. This week we'll talk ab