To Health With That! MTHFR Mutations.

To Health With That! MTHFR Mutations.

Latest Episodes

Why Does Detox Feel So Bad?
April 07, 2024

Detox is amazing for your body, so why does it feel so awful? The great news is that symptoms of detoxification may be helpful in giving your signals about what is happening. We'll quickly review phases I - III of detoxification, why things can feel b

Detoxification Basics
March 24, 2024

In the last episode, we discussed the fact that toxins come from food, air, water, personal care products, and pretty much everything we encounter. Detoxification is an ongoing process that is always at work in your body. Here are the basics about how det

Toxins: The Energy Killer
March 10, 2024

Toxins are everywhere in modern life, and they have always been a normal part of life because they come from food, bacteria, mold, yeast, air, water, and the soil. Also, now, industrial and agricultural chemicals, the products we use on our skin, teeth, h

You Don't Have Energy If You Don't Breathe
February 25, 2024

Problems with oxygenation can affect your sleep quality and quantity, leaving you feeling tired, or like you slept but woke up as tired as you were the night before, or just plain exhausted.Iron deficiency and carbon monoxide poisoning are both oxygen pr

Hormones and Energy
February 11, 2024

Sex hormones have a lot to do with how energetic you feel, or how sleepy, or how grumpy. So, let's talk about how estrogen ties into sleep, weight, and metabolism. How progesterone helps insomnia and gets stolen by stress hormones. Also, how testoster

Supplements To Help You Sleep Through The Night
January 28, 2024

There is nothing more frustrating than waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to go back to sleep easily. Nighttime waking is draining and exhausting, and you wake up feeling like you might as well not have bothered with all of those hour

Supplements To Help You Fall Asleep
January 14, 2024

Supplements to help you fall asleep are a big topic, and there are many to choose from, but these are my favorite supplements to get you to sleep faster. GENETIC ROCKSTARS (an MTHFR community): community.tohealthwiththat.comFREE COURSE: MTHFR Basics: ht

Master Your MTHFR Related Sleep Problems
December 31, 2023

MTHFR gene mutations can create a lot of havoc in your life if they aren't properly managed and sleep disorders are just one of the many problems. This video will talk about the most impactful morning and evening sleep routines for MTHFR and also give

Sleep Anxiety
December 17, 2023

Sleep anxiety is the horror circle that lies at the intersection of insomnia and anxiety disorders that createes a torturous loop in which a person is worried they won't sleep, and the anxiety ironically prevents them from sleeping. Nightmare. Here&#

Can't Fall OR Stay Asleep, and Sleep but Wake Feeling Unrested
December 03, 2023

There are four big categories of sleep disorders and today we'll talk about the last two. Numbers one and two were in the last episode, so if you missed that, check it out here: The third pattern is is