The Pursuit of Purpose with Amy Austin

The Pursuit of Purpose with Amy Austin

Latest Episodes

Educate, engage, and empower through marketing
July 11, 2021

A primary goal of your strategy should be to educate, engage, and empower your audience through your marketing efforts. Because these three words are so important, I encourage all my clients to use th

Saying yes to your true self
June 07, 2021

A purposeful conversation with Shawn Fink

Asking for help is a strength
May 25, 2021

Recently I was reminded that asking for help is a strength even though the action itself is hard. This is exactly why it is so important to ask for it when you need it. And I was reminded of the importance of modeling the behavior. My experience came...

Coaching questions for your brand's benefit
May 18, 2021

How can coaching questions benefit your brand? I wouldn't have thought of this either until I heard a recent interview on the Dare to Lead podcast between Brene Brown and Michael Bungay Stanier. As I was listening to him share the seven essential...

Authenticity is not a brand value
May 09, 2021

Authenticity is not a brand value. Authenticity is knowing what your brand values and then living them. Stop using authenticity as a catch-all for what you hope to be… take the time to define the values your brand represents. By definition,...

Comparsion, small steps & leadership
May 03, 2021

April 2021 Favorites File

Working while anxious
April 25, 2021

A purposeful conversation with Dr. Susan Bernstein

Perfect timing: Is there such a thing?
April 18, 2021

Daniel Pink digs into whether there is such a thing as perfect timing. His book When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing attempts to answer this question and explain how there is more to timing than most of us believe. Holly Adams and I both...

Jargon: pro or con?
April 12, 2021

Is the use of jargon a pro or a con in business? This has been a popular topic lately. And I don't know that there is a right answer. But first and foremost, you need to know your audience and how well they are going to understand the jargon you fall...

Being clear is kind
March 28, 2021

"Clear is kind. Unclear is unkind." I shared this quote from Brene Brown recently. And just putting it out into the universe has brought so many examples of this to light. In this episode, I share my thoughts about the variety of ways that uncertainty...