Podcast Your Way for Memorial Day

Memorial Day, with its solemn undertones of remembrance combined with the lighter notes of barbecues and parades, offers a unique canvas for podcasters and podcast enthusiasts alike. Whether you’re lounging in your backyard, participating in the Bolder Boulder 10K race, or simply enjoying a day off, incorporating podcasts can add depth and enjoyment to your holiday experience. Here’s how podcasts can enhance your Memorial Day traditions and even inspire you to create your own.

Finding New Podcasts on Memorial Day

Holidays like Memorial Day are perfect for discovering new podcasts. With more leisure time, you can explore shows outside your usual playlist. Look for podcasts that delve into history, focusing on military stories or episodes that discuss the origins and significance of Memorial Day. Alternatively, you might find shows that celebrate the start of summer with topics on outdoor activities, travel, gardening, or summer book recommendations. Be sure to surf through the Blubrry Podcast Directory for shows in all genres that will pique your interest. 

Podcasts as a Memorial Day Tradition

Traditions help shape our experiences of holidays, and introducing a podcast listening tradition can add a new layer to your Memorial Day. Consider recording an annual special featuring Memorial Day themes or guest veterans sharing their stories. Listening to such episodes can become a part of your holiday routine, like watching the parade or grilling in the backyard.

Listening While Running the Bolder Boulder . . . or Other Holiday Events

Podcasts can be a fantastic companion for those participating in Memorial Day races, such as the Bolder Boulder. Choose inspiring episodes that keep your energy up and motivate you to cross the finish line at Folsom Field. Running-based and other podcasts focused on personal stories of resilience, interviews with athletes, or even curated playlists of energetic music and motivational speeches can enhance your race experience, making every mile more meaningful.

Creating Your Podcast Over the Holiday Weekend

Memorial Day is for memorializing and could be the perfect opportunity to start that reflective podcast you’ve been thinking about. (Blubrry can help you get going!) You can begin recording your first episode with an extra day off and perhaps fewer commitments. Whether it’s a solo or a group podcast, use the relaxed holiday vibe to let your creative juices flow. Talk about what Memorial Day means to you, share anecdotes from past holidays and your unique traditions, or discuss summer plans and aspirations. (If you want to skip a few steps, Blubrry can set your podcast up with its Concierge Onboarding service.) 

Taking Time to Record

The long weekend is an excellent time to record extra content for existing podcasters. Consider special holiday-themed episodes. For instance, if your podcast typically covers historical topics, a Memorial Day special could focus on important battles, military heroes, or the impact of wars on society. If your podcast is more casual, a light-hearted episode on the best summer barbecues or a roundtable discussion on summer blockbuster movies could be perfect.

Podcasts offer a unique medium to enrich your Memorial Day experience, whether through discovery, tradition, or creation. They can provide companionship during a race, inspiration through historical tales, or a platform for you to share and connect with others. This Memorial Day, let podcasts be a part of your celebration and reflection, adding depth and enjoyment to your holiday rituals. Whether you’re firing up the grill or lacing up your running shoes, there’s a podcast to match every moment of your day.