Blubrry Podcasting Developer API Resources

Developer API ResourcesBlubrry has more to offer than simply hosting and statistics for podcasters; we also offer Application Programing Interface (API) integration for developers who work behind the scenes of podcast publishing and measuring. Our developer resources provide ways for teams of creators to add our services into their mobile and web-based applications.

We offer a variety of RESTful API endpoints that allow Blubrry users to access our robust podcast services. All endpoints use standard OAuth2 flows for authentication for ease of integration. 


  • Blubrry API Overview: Summary of all different API collections
  • OAuth 2: Use API keys to generate an access token for API calls
  • Podcast Media API: Upload & manage media files
  • Podcast Stats API: Retrieve stats about overall show and individual episode downloads
  • Episode API: Create episodes programmatically
  • Network API: Manage access to your podcast network and search the Blubrry podcast directory

Use Cases

  • Create or integrate your podcast statistics dashboard
  • Publish episodes and manage files from your corporate software
  • Manage your network outside of Blubrry with your desired platform
  • PowerPress, our WordPress publishing plugin, is open source and we are always open to new ideas and code contributions

The use-cases listed above are possibilities, certainly not the only ways to utilize our APIs. We first introduced our Blubrry API endpoints in 2009 and have worked to provide additional APIs to the Blubrry Podcasting developer community the past decade.

Our documentation makes it easy to get started.

Learn more here and request an API key.

We are also tightly integrated into Amazon Web Services (AWS), making podcast deployment even more robust for those utilizing AWS. Rich API integration, tied to AWS services via the Amazon Marketplace, makes Blubrry the most robust platform for developers with which to integrate.