Secrets of the Podcaster’s Mindset

Use your brain signA List of Podcasting Affirmations

You are special. You are unique. And you have a podcast.

If you talked to a self-development expert about what will help you build your podcast, they would most likely encourage you to keep a positive mindset (or perspective) toward your podcasting efforts. To help you keep a positive mindset, they may recommend that you practice positive self-talk. It is widely believed that you will wire your brain for success if you routinely tell yourself positive affirmations. As a podcaster, you should consider using this method to keep a positive mindset.

Below are five positive podcasting affirmations that you can use to wire your brain for success as you create content. Repeat these daily and soon you will believe them.

I have a unique message that others want to hear.

As you repeat this to yourself, remember that you bring the entirety of your life experiences to your podcasting efforts. Your words use your personality; and knowledge/wisdom make your show special. There are people right now searching the internet hoping to find someone that talks about what you talk about the way that you do. Believe this.

There is no barrier between me and those thirsty for my message.

You have the power of podcasting behind you. You are the directory. You are the producer. You are the one in the driver’s seat. You do not need to get anyone’s approval on any part of your show. Further, once you upload your show, anyone on the internet can find you. See, no barriers.

I have the ability to produce a show of high quality.

If you are reading this, you already have access to your greatest podcasting resource – information. You can have most every podcast question you have answered with.a few clicks. What are the best editing techniques? Check out the free, online Podcast Manual at Blubrry or, heck, just Google it. What are the correct bitrates, LUFS, and metadata tags? You can know in less than a minute? With your passion for podcasting and your access to information, you can produce a high-quality show.

My audience will grow with time.

With people consistently searching for your content, every day someone new will discover your show. At the very least, these people will become listeners and for this reason alone, your audience is going to grow. You may even quickly attract a large following through advertising, media appearances, or a juried award, but these results are not guaranteed. Because people will continue to search for your content, your audience will grow this time. Guaranteed.

I will soon see opportunities for my show that I currently can’t imagine.

Right now when you think about opportunities that can come from your podcast, you are probably thinking about increased revenue or greater speaking opportunities. However, as your show matures you will start to collect stories of time when your show positively impacted someone’s life. Your listeners will reach out to you and tell you how they were able to take a first step of faith because of your inspiration. They will email you and tell you that they were really struggling with life, but you made them laugh. They will leave a voicemail to encourage you because you encourage them with every episode. Your podcast will allow you to have opportunities to impact other people’s lives in ways you currently can’t imagine (and you might make some money too.)


By no means is this an exhaustive list of all the affirmations that will help you grow as a podcaster. You likely have a few you use already. If you use positive self-talk or affirmations that could benefit other fine podcasters, please go over to the Blubrry Podcast Group on Facebook and share what you use.


Troy PriceTroy Price is the co-founder of Front Porch Studio in Berea, Kentucky. He has been involved with podcasting for over a decade. Listen to his show Podcasting Tips from the Front Porch here.

Contact Troy by email at