Focus on Features: Blubrry Publisher

Focus on Features is an ongoing series that explores the catalog of tools/services offered by Blubrry.

Typing handsBlubrry is known for our support of podcasting through WordPress with our popular PowerPress plugin. While we love giving podcasters the flexibility to manage their shows on their own websites with PowerPress, we understand that not everyone wants or needs to use WordPress. That’s where Blubrry Publisher comes in.

What it is: Blubrry Publisher is a full-featured podcast publishing tool that’s available to all Blubrry Media Hosting customers.

How it works: To begin using Blubrry Publisher, log in to your Blubrry Podcaster Dashboard and go to the Hosting Settings section; and check the box next to “Podcast Feed Only.” Return to the main Dashboard page and follow the steps shown in this video to get all of your Publisher settings in place. NOTE: If you’re already publishing your show through WordPress or some other external publishing system, it’s best to leave your Hosting Settings on “Publish from your own WordPress blog,” since you already have a podcast RSS feed elsewhere.

What it isn’t: It doesn’t create a website, nor is Publisher a web builder, or plugin. Blubrry Publisher is fully contained within It does provide a listing for your show at But Publisher is not meant to be used as a full-fledged website replacement tool.

At Blubrry, we understand that podcasters have varied needs, and we strive to provide solutions for all podcasters. Don’t have a website but want to start publishing a podcast right away? Grab a Blubrry Media Hosting subscription and start podcasting today with Blubrry Publisher!