Blubrry Affiliate Payouts: A Great Source of Podcast Income!

Blubrry’s affiliate payments for the last quarter of 2017 paid out on January 17, including the annual bonus for anyone that qualified – meaning any affiliate who brought in $1,500 or more in sales.

The annual bonus happens every year even if you haven’t made any new sales. That means if you have a great year, you’ll continue to earn long-term.

But if you aren’t at that level yet, don’t worry! Whenever a new customer uses your affiliate code, you’ll earn the amount of the service they bought. That means, if they buy a $20 hosting plan, you’ll receive $20, as long as the customer using your code remains a paying customer for 2 months (3 months total.) You’ll begin receiving payments once you’ve reached $50 in sales.

And you don’t even have to be a podcaster to join the affiliate program. Bloggers and social media influencers can also promote Blubrry’s products and services, and earn. As an affiliate, you’ll be able to share coupon codes, which may be valuable to your audience even if you aren’t a podcaster yourself. Just apply here.

“Our most successful affiliates are doing it all: podcast episodes, social, blog posts. They are actively promoting Blubrry products and services, and in some cases they are working with podcasters as consultants, trainers, etc.,” says Todd Cochrane, CEO of Blubrry. However, Cochrane points out, one of Blubrry’s top affiliates isn’t consulting or teaching – he is mainly a podcast host. “So, anyone has the opportunity to earn.”

Questions? MacKenzie, our Services and Affiliates Coordinator, has answers! Email her at to get started.