Deep Dive on Blubrry Podcast Statistics

Podcast statistics are not a deep mystery, but some would like to think they are. Todd Cochrane, CEO, and Angelo Mandato, CIO, of RawVoice / Blubrry recently spent some time doing a very deep dive on Blubrry Podcast Statistics. This is an in-depth behind-the-scenes look at how Blubrry Podcast Statistics measure and filter every podcast downloaded / live play delivering an accurate report to our podcasters, network customers and media buyers.

This deep dive video, while long, is perfect training for podcasters, reporters, media buyers and anyone else in the media space that wants to understand how podcast statistics work.

RawVoice / Blubrry has 11 years of experience in podcast measurement. Our team has led and participated in the podcast metrics standardization, with the current IAB Podcast measurement committee, and chaired the prior Association of Downloadable Media measurement committee.

If you have questions on this video, or would like a question answered, feel free to email for any inquiries.