Oh, man! We had such a great time and it was so good to see everyone at last week’s BlogWorld and New Media Expo at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas! The expanded Blubrry team has never been busier or more excited to catch up with our old friends and learn from our new ones. Thanks for all your input. We’re always striving to make Blubrry and all our digital communities better. It was awesome, too, to hear from y’all about how much you love our services!
We talked a lot about how digital media is not only on your mobile devices such as iPhone and Android, but also on over-the-top television boxes such as Roku and Boxee. And did you know that Vudu TV set technology is going to be in every television sold at Wal-Mart? Yup, our Vudu application is ready and waiting for the Vudu Apps’ launch. Just imagine walking into your neighborhood store and seeing your image smiling on dozens of television screens in the electronics isle. It could happen! What’s up next? Well, Google TV is gonna be hot and we’re gonna be right there, too.

The best way to get your digital media on TV and noticed is by following our ‘get featured’ guidelines and getting visual. Doesn’t cost much — you can use Wirecast and VidBlaster to start out with — and you can be streaming your media on sets across the country and the globe. With 23 percent growth in our top video 200 shows in only 90 days, you can see why it’s a must.
Big thank you to everyone who stopped by our booth! Great to see Grammar Girl, Average Betty, folks from Date Night in Vegas, Steven Lee of @wavesoftech, Julie, aka @RoadTripsFeedMe, our good friends Brett Bum and Joe Klein, Srinivas Rao, aka @skooloflife, and loads more.
Check out more pics from our trip on our facebook. And, oh yeah, if anyone got a shot of Mike Dell, could you send one my way? That way, if we missed you this time around, you’ll know what we look like and can be sure we meet up next time. In the meantime, we’re still taking suggestions and would really like to know what you thought of not only us but BlogWorld and New Media Expo in general.
And until next time, thank you, thank you, thank you again!