They’re here! Check out all you can do with our statistics upgrade

State-by-state statistics, day-by-day trending, and mobile media download numbers are three of the many significant upgrades RawVoice now offers our podcast community, and we’re pretty excited about it. RawVoice is proud to announce the release of its Statistics System Version 1.1, offering a number of revolutionary new features.

Take a look at the tools that benefit you:

Reporting by States

One of the most requested features,  state-by-state reporting across the U.S., has been added for premium users. You can view data by simply hovering over the interactive map.

Trending By Day

Our trending report has been extended to include a 12-month outlook as well as a 30-day report. The new data lets you see what days of the week draw your largest downloads. Trending data, which is available to premium users, can be accessed by hovering over the interactive graph.

Extensive List of Clients

During the summer months, we’ve seen a surge in Blackberry and Android download traffic. To reflect this new trend in mobile media downloads, we’re now detecting the Blackberry podcatching application, PodTrapper, and the Google Android podcatching application, BeyondPod, separately to give you more insight on how your media is being consumed on mobile devices. We also added the new Palm Pre (WebOS) and are now reporting the previous Palm mobile devices as Palm (classic).

Here’s a list of mobile clients and podcatchers currently detected:

  • Opera Mini
  • Nokia
  • iPhone
  • Windows Mobile
  • BlackBerry
  • Android (Google smartphone)
  • Palm WebOS (Palm Pre)
  • Palm (classic)
  • PodTrapper (BlackBerry podcatcher)
  • BeyondPod (Android podcatcher)

More Sources

In our February 2009 statistics system update, we added a new Overall Distribution to report total web browser, podcatcher, and web bot downloads. After auditing our system, we discovered additional valuable data with reporting Mobile Applications (such asBeyondPod for Google Android and PodTrapper for Blackberry) as well the Mobile web browsers themselves.

We are now reporting “Plays in Page” for users who use flash-based players on their websites for in-page media playback. For users using our Blubrry PowerPress WordPress podcasting plugin, this feature has been enhanced to track all in-page plays on your website.

Performance Improvements

We’ve improved the performance of the statistics system. Users can now update statistics at any time. We have removed the five-plus download minimum requirement for displaying downloads for media files. You’ll now see the media appearing in the reports with one download.

This is great new stuff! And, as I said, we’re pretty excited. Try it out, take a sec and let us know what you think!