Message from Todd Cochrane CEO of RawVoice
Over the next 3–4 weeks or so I will be in 5–6 cities and I will be meeting with podcasters, media buyers, fans of his show, and podcasters associated with Blubrry, Tech Podcasts, and Podcaster News!
During my month on the road, I will be meeting with a variety of people and getting them up to speed on the merits of investing in the podcasting space either through corporate involvement or advertising in new media shows and meeting with as many of you as possible
The first Stop will be the Greater Dallas Area. 28-31 January the daytime schedule is pretty full but If you have something going on in the evening I would love to meet up.
The second stop will be the greater Indianapolis area 1-10 Feb where I will be the longest. The team at RawVoice will be meeting there for our semi-annual lock the doors and planning meeting the weekend of the 9-10th. If you are in the greater Indianapolis area we would love to meet up prior to the meeting or the week prior.
The third Stop will be the Greater Washington DC area 11-18 Feb to include all surrounding areas the last weekend he will be in Norfolk VA.
The fourth and final stop on this trip will be in Albuquerque New Mexico from 18-21 Feb
At all of these locations, I look forward to meeting up with podcasters that are working with RawVoice and those that listen to my show let me know if you are available and we will pick a location to meet up.