The Happiness Playbook

The Happiness Playbook

Latest Episodes

How It All Began
June 22, 2022

Ever wonder how Play Theory got started? I sit down with Janna Hargadon and talk about the origins of Take Note Troupe, the theater program where Play Theory was conceived. Without Janna, Take Note Tr

To Find Yourself, Lose Yourself
June 15, 2022

To find ourselves we have to look past our reflection and see the others in our sphere of influence. As we do this we’ll develop deeper connection and more satisfying relationships. In this episode we

Pain Happens, Suffering is Optional
June 08, 2022

Pain is a very real part of our lives. It’s unavoidable. It's even essential for our well being. But what about suffering?  All suffering is pain without acceptance. This is where the PLAY THEORY prin

When the Game Stops Being Fun
June 01, 2022

Has this ever happened to you? You’re enjoying an evening of cards with friends and someone gets unlucky one time too many and suddenly everyone is walking on eggshells cause they know that person is

Don't Be a Goldfish, Get a Drishti
May 25, 2022

In this episode we’re focusing on the PLAY THEORY principle, Be Present and the power of focus. Another word for focus is attention. The longer our attention span the greater our ability to focus. So

Overcoming Eating disorders with Ryann Bailey Wawro (Part 2)
May 18, 2022

Part 2 of our conversation with Ryann Bailey Wawro about her journey through eating disorders.

Overcoming Eating disorders with Ryann Bailey Wawro (Part 1)
May 11, 2022

This convo with Ryann Bailey Wawro about creativity, crossing into adulthood from adolescence and her journey with eating disorders is not to be missed. We reminisce about some choice memories and add

Got Kigatsuku?
May 04, 2022

In this episode we learn about Kigatsuku (Key gots cuh) a Japanese word meaning “an inner spirit to act without being told what to do. The ability to focus is at the root of this principle cause that’

The Power of Practice
April 27, 2022

Do you have a happiness practice? Practice is the act of rehearsing a behavior repeatedly in order to master a skill. In today's episode we talk about why you need to practise happiness regularly (yes

Antifragile: Stress is a Good Thing?
April 20, 2022

Can stress be a good thing, even a necessary thing? We're exploring the idea of Antifragility and how it relates to the Play Theory principles, Accept and Build and Let Go and Play. Play of the Week: