Diane Markins

Diane Markins

Latest Episodes

Boundaries for Teen Girls
October 06, 2014

I always learn so much more from other people's mistakes than from their success. Allison Bottke knows this is true so she shares candidly about the countless mistakes she made as a teenaged girl.

Got Grace? “Proof” Says that’s Enough
September 29, 2014

Martin Luther once commented that humanity after the fall is no longer able to imagine any way to be made right with God other than works. Our tendency by nature is to slip into the delusion that our standing before God somehow depends on what we do.

God’s NOT Dead
September 19, 2014

Academia is filled with "enlightened" instructors who dismiss Christianity as a myth, a crutch or simply ignorant thinking. That's the theme of a movie called God's not Dead, starring Kevin Sorbo (AKA Hercules) as the atheist professor and Superman- De...

Why Pray if God Doesn’t Listen? Nothing Gets past Him!
September 15, 2014

Hannah wanted a baby so badly she offered to give him back to God if He would just give her a son. She didn't get that son immediately, but "Scripture says "in due time" God gave her a son who would be one of Israel's greatest prophets and priests and ...

Worry is a Killer
September 11, 2014

Stress will (not might) impact your physical health. From weight (loss/gain), interest in sex and sleep patterns to serious illness, stress can kill you. Relationships, job performance and joy are often impacted as well. Even your relationship with God ca

Words of Destiny
September 06, 2014

You have POWER to overcome ALL things, however, the world we all live in spews negative junk that bombards our hearts and minds keeping us defeated, because we buy into it.

Lessons of Diversity and Acceptance from Kids
September 04, 2014

So when my kids ask me about someone who looks or acts different from us, I try to use our experience of receiving Penny into our lives as a starting point. I talk about how skin color tells us something about Jordan but also about our own origins, or abo

A “Between Heaven and Earth” Perspective
September 04, 2014

We have this incredible inheritance that is guarded by God, and that should give us tremendous hope. It’s not going anywhere; it’s reserved for us. We should rest on the hope of this inheritance, not in the circumstances of this world. We can’t rest

Unloading “Love” Baggage and Toxic Behavior
September 01, 2014

Experts say that we gravitate towards friends and relationships within a ten-point spread of our IQ. We are more naturally comfortable around those with whom we can intellectually relate. Likewise, in the realm of soul-health, we also attract those with w

Healing a Moms Shattered Heart
August 21, 2014

The Lord would send people to comfort me, but I didn’t really want the comfort. I wanted to make sense of this tragedy. The intensity of the pain was consuming my heart. On top of all of this, I was dealing with the struggle of the physical pain from a