Diane Markins

Diane Markins

Words of Destiny

September 06, 2014

My business/ministry is called “Words in High Def” so April Shenandoah’s message hit a big button on the keyboard of my soul. Listen to her convincing experiences in my chat with her and read what she has to say below… why she went from actress to evangelist. She reminds us to speak like we really believe God’s promises. “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Proverbs 18:21.

Bold Living airs Saturdays at 11:05 AM MST on FaithTalk 1360 AM and for easy on-demand access, subscribe to the podcast on iTunes (search Diane Markins) from my website. Comment to win Your Tongue Determines Your Destiny . Diane Markins 

Your Tongue Determines Your Destiny

by April Shenandoah

You’ve probably heard the expression,†Be careful what you ask for because you might get it.†My book Your Tongue Determines Your Destiny takes it farther by saying, “What you say is what you get.†I speak from experience! The book offers a Supernatural Plan to put you, the reader, to the test. It has been rewarding to share several of my own Supernatural experiences.

If your life is hectic and you sometimes feel like you have a curse following you, it’s time to start listening to what you are saying and learn about the “POWER of WORDS.†It is a Biblical law that is written in stone. The words you speak today will be the life you live tomorrow!

A few years back, I got out of a sick/death bed by speaking and believing healing scriptures straight from the Bible. When I tapped into God’s promises – taking them literally, the light went on! There is no reason to continue in sickness, poverty, or unsettling relationships when Love, Peace and Joy are the way God meant life to be lived – regardless of life’s challenges.

You will get excited when you read how the God of the universe set this life in to motion.

You will find answers to the WHAT, WHY, WHEN, WHERE and HOW questions of your own life! You have POWER to overcome ALL things, however, the world we all live in spews negative junk that bombards our hearts and minds keeping us defeated, because we buy into it. When you read Your Tongue Determines Your Destiny and implement the principles within the inspired pages you will never be the same. You are a “power plant!†Learn to turn on the switch and your hearts desires will manifest!

The WORD says: My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6) You will gain knowledge concerning Spiritual Law – How you were Wired from Childhood – Forgiveness – Love – Faith – Money – how to Receive Supernaturally…..and your DESTINY!

When you tap into this 2000 year old TRUTH, share it with others!