Thrive Trial: Give Audiences a Quick View of Your Podcast Details with Quicklinks

We’re excited to offer our Blubrry hosting customers a free trial of the Thrive Bundle throughout August. We’ll take a look at each of the Thrive features throughout the month and highlight the assets provided in the bundle in our Podcast Insider blog!

Unlock Your Podcast’s Potential with Blubrry’s Quicklinks Feature

Connecting with your audience and expanding your reach is critical for podcast success. Blubrry’s Quicklinks feature, part of the inexpensive Thrive Bundle, offers an ingenious solution. This one-stop spot consolidates all essential information about your podcast, making it easy for your audience to find and share your show. With the Thrive Bundle free trial throughout August, it’s a great time to set it up and check it out! 

Comprehensive Podcast Information at One Click

Quicklinks provide everything your audience needs to connect with you. This feature includes:

  • Host name(s) and show bio: Introduce yourself and your show to potential listeners.
  • Personal website link: Direct your audience to your online home.
  • Most recent episode player: Showcase your latest content effortlessly.
  • Entire catalog access: Allow listeners to explore your complete collection of episodes.
  • Social media platforms: Centralize all your social media channels.
  • Podcast destinations: Ensure your podcast is accessible on major platforms like Apple, Spotify, and Google.

Boost Your Presence and Engagement

The Quicklinks feature doesn’t just simplify audience access; it enhances your podcast’s visibility and shareability. By choosing your keyword, you can create a custom URL, making it even easier for your fans to find and share your content. With all your social media channels in one place, you’ll expand your presence and grow your follower base seamlessly.

Effortless Setup and Unlimited Potential

Creating your Quicklinks page is simple. With just a few clicks, you’ll have a comprehensive hub for all things related to your podcast. This ease of use, combined with the potential to reach and engage more listeners, makes Quicklinks a must-have tool for any podcaster.

Try It for Free in August!

Blubrry’s Quicklinks is part of the Thrive Bundle, on a free trial for hosting customers throughout August. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your podcast’s reach and simplify how your audience connects with you. Embrace the power of Quicklinks and watch your podcast thrive!

Give Thrive a try throughout August, and if you like it sign up for these extensive features for only $10 a month!