Podcasting and the Great Resignation – PCI 276

go for it scrabble letters2021 was known for mass quitting and hiring, within many fields and industries and podcasting is no different. We discuss some host changes within popular podcasts, hosts quitting, and available jobs within the podcasting industry in what is known as the Great Resignation. Todd is out this week and will be back shortly; big thanks to Toby for starting us off this year with a pro tip focused on first impressions.

Thanks for joining us on this episode of Podcast Insider. Looking to be a guest on the show? Let us know.


Best Practice

Guest spotlight page on your podcast website

Blubrry News

  • Working on final touches for some projects we’re planning to release shortly
  • Todd is attending CES in Vegas and seeing some fun, new products
  • Blog post: New Year’s Resolutions for Podcasters – by Meryl Klemow

Blubrry Pro Tip

Podcast album art – first impressions


Shay Drinkwater from the buzzr pod


Question(s) of the Week

Question: Should I be posting my new podcasts as “Posts or Pages” in WordPress?

Answer: Posts. Pages are for more static content like About pages, welcome pages, pages you use for reference and that kind of thing. Not so much for ongoing dynamic content like podcasts or blog posts. Plus, Pages are never included in the RSS feed. You could (but it’s more complicated) use a Custom post type, but that is too much to go into on a podcast 🙂


Got a question you’d like us to answer on the show? Drop an email to mike@blubrry.com (audio, text, video) and we may use it.


The best place for support with any Blubrry products/services is our ticket system (https://blubrry.com/support/). Tickets give the whole team access rather than direct emails or calls.


Coming to you this week from the Blubrry Studio in Columbus, Ohio and Mike Dell’s World Studio in northern Michigan. Produced by the Blubrry Pro-Production team.

  • Schedule a one-on-one with Todd (hosting customers only). Email todd@blubrry.com
  • Schedule a tech checkup with Mike (hosting customers only). Email mike@blubrry.com
  • Send us your podcast sticker and a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE) and we will send you a Blubrry care package.

Our mailing address is:
Blubrry – MacKenzie
150 E. Campus View Blvd. #180
Columbus, Ohio 43235