For those that don’t know, Blubrry also has a company podcast. That’s not to say we only talk about things happening at Blubrry, in Podcast Insider we talk about lots of things pertaining to the podcast industry. Such as industry news, best practices, answer creator questions and more. Keep reading to learn more and check out a new Blubrry podcaster next month.
Tell us about yourself!
The Blubrry team releases an episode every week, focusing on…anything to do with podcasting. Hosts Todd Cochrane, CEO and Mike Dell, Support, gab about industry news, what Blubrry has going on, and answers customer questions. We regularly feature guest interviews as well that are Blubrry podcasters. Leave us a voicemail so you can be featured on the show, OR let us know if you’d like to be a fully fledged guest.
What inspired you to do your own podcast?
First and foremost, the Blubrry team wants to help podcast creators. Podcast Insider is not the first iteration of a company podcast. Not the second either. It has evolved over the years, had different hosts, topics and guests. Adapting to whatever we think podcasters need at the time. But at the end of the day, we’re a podcast host that has the firsthand experience of podcasting, and we want to share our knowledge on the industry.
How do you prepare for an episode?
This is where MacKenzie comes in. We (Todd, Mike, MacKenzie) share some bullet points, links, topics and a few notes ahead of time for recording. And then MacKenzie turns it into the full show notes, grabs the final mp3 from our Pro-Production team member, publishes on WordPress and lastly shares on social. Nothing too fancy, just a Google doc to make sure we stay on track while recording and hit every segment each episode. Mike and Todd are definitely ‘less is more’ for preparation, but we suggest you do whatever fits your personality.
What advice do you have for someone just starting out?
Todd: Stick to a weekly schedule, your listeners will build you into their lives.
Mike: Don’t be in a hurry, and don’t overthink everything. Get started.
MacKenzie: Part of what makes doing the podcast so easy is knowing how I’ll spend my Thursday afternoon. The schedule aspect really takes away any of the stress that would come from trying to get it out at a certain time every week.
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