Do You Want to Be Part of a Podcast Network? Featuring Jen Rodd – PCI 218

NetworkThe pros and cons of joining a podcast network are debatable, and that’s exactly what we did in this episode. Before we get to that, Todd and Mike discuss Apple’s new embeddable player for website and how their charts system actually works.

Thanks to Jen for speaking with Todd about her show and how she got started.

Thanks for joining us this episode of Podcast Insider. Looking to be a guest on the show? Let us know.

Recorded live from two well-separated and socially distant podcast studios in northern and southern Michigan; here’s Podcast Insider.


Best Practice:

Do you really want to join a network?


  • Cross promotion
  • Being part of something bigger than yourself
  • Advertising and sponsorships
  • Social media
  • Community
  • Sharing the costs


  • Ownership
  • Content control (editorial)
  • Personality conflicts
  • Sharing revenue
  • Read the fine print, can never be too careful



Blubrry News:


Jen Rodd – Inspirational Interviews

Connect with Jen here…

Question(s) of the Week:

Question:  When I try to upload my file to Blubrry hosting from PowerPress I get this error:
“Authentication failed. Please verify that your email and password are correct.”

Answer: This is normally caused by a change in password or login email at To correct this, Go to in one tab in your browser. Then in another tab, on your WordPress site, go to PowerPress > settings and click the link that says “Go to Blubrry account”.  Click “unlink account”.  Then refresh your browser window and click on “Lets Connect” in the same box where “Go to Blubrry Account” was.  Click OK on the box that pops up that says Authorize. Click OK and refresh your browser again and it should say “Connected to blubrry” again. Your upload should work now.   

Any time you change the password at you will have to re-do the link between PowerPress and Blubrry.

NEW! If you have a question or feedback, click on the “Leave a voicemail” tab on  Record your question and we may answer it on the show.


Promo code INSIDER for a free month at

Coming at you this week from Blubrry Studios in and Northern and Southern Michigan. Produced by the Blubrry Pro-Production team.

  • Schedule a one-on-one with Todd (hosting customers only) Email
  • Schedule a tech checkup with Mike (hosting customers only) Email
  • Send us your podcast sticker and a self-address stamped envelope (SASE) and we will send you a Blubrry care package.

Our mailing address is:
Blubrry – MacKenzie
150 E. Campus View Blvd. #180
Columbus, Ohio 43235