The Role of Podcasts in Education

People listen to podcasts for many reasons, one of which is for their education. The role of podcasts in education has become more prominent in the past few years as well, with schools adding it to their curriculum and sharing lectures out as podcasts, etc. Angela Betancourt joined MacKenzie to discuss her new show Five Things You Didn’t Know, and her experiences with podcasts in school and outside of the classroom.

They start out by discussing the benefits of adding podcasts to the education system, Angela is particularly familiar with this as she’s recently finished her Masters. She very recently launched her podcast that focuses on highlighting things that people might not have known before concerning influencers and industry leaders in all different industries. They ended the show discussing an upcoming conference, Sound Education, and the capabilities podcasts has for educating listeners in topics not considered typical subjects. MacKenzie will be attending Sound Education early November and can’t wait to learn from others and share her podcasting expertise. Both agree that education podcasts will continue to help the podcasting community grow, and are crucial to inclusivity.

Thanks for listening and please subscribe via your favorite podcast app. If you’d like to be a guest on the show reach out to MacKenzie. She’s always looking for fun, new podcasters that use Blubrry services, specifically PowerPress.

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Show notes:

Podcasting in Education, What are the Benefits?: From Colin Gray and his team at The Podcast Host
Is Podcasting the Future of Education: We’ll find out as time goes on.
Sound Education: 1st time conference in Cambridge, MA early November.
Email MacKenzie: Contact her with your questions, comments, guest requests, etc.