Categories and Channels in PowerPress

PPPiTunesAlbumArt300This week MacKenzie is joined by Shawn Thorpe on the podcast, a fellow Blubrry / RawVoice team member. He tells all about categories and channels in PowerPress and what might be best for you to use on your podcast. MacKenzie and Shawn discuss Podcast Movement — get your tickets on sale now! and NaPodPoMo. Don’t know what that stands for, take look at the links below and listen to get all the details from Shawn. He has years of experience with PowerPress so we’ve got a great episode for you.


If you’re a happy PowerPress user, please give us a review here. And maybe while you’re at it a review for PowerPress Podcast on iTunes. Thanks for listening!

Email MacKenzie

Show notes:

Podcast Movement Tickets

Channels in PowerPress

Categories in PowerPress


NaPodPoMo wrap-up