Happiest of holidays to all our Blubrry family!

Whoa! What a year 2010 has been! Thanks so much for coming along for the ride! This year we have delighted in putting hundreds of thousands of dollars into your pockets through ad deals. Plus we started distributing your content right into the living room (bedroom, workroom, even bathroom for some) through Roku and Boxee with more distribution options to come. Audience numbers have skyrocketed!

We’re getting our hands on (and into) just about everything imaginable to help you folks in our communities grow and be successful. Your support and input throughout the year is precisely what has made that possible.

Speaking of progress, check out our sister network at CES on Jan. 6-9 in Vegas! If you can’t be there, they’ll be streaming live on the TPN.tv site!

Have you made your New Year’s resolution yet? If not, well, we’re here to give ya a couple of suggestions:

  • If you’re only doing audio versions of your show, in 2011 you might want to consider adding video elements to your shows. To find out why, check out RawVoice CEO Todd Cochrane’s BlogWorld and New Media Expo presentation from earlier this year. It’s called the Triple Play.
  • And don’t you be takin’ that free product! The next time a vendor asks you to review a product or service in return for getting a free product, please consider what you are trading for. Product is cool, but it does not make your house payment.

Once again, thank you, thank you, thank you for helping us make 2010 a wildly productive and successful year! We look forward to serving you in 2011 and far beyond!

Happy holidays from all of us on the team,

Todd, Barry, Brian, Angelo, Jeff, Cameron, Mike and Cathy