Perfectly Integrated

Perfectly Integrated

Latest Episodes

Episode 4 – 2021 And Beyond – with Mark Bruno and Robert Sandrew
February 03, 2021

2020 has become historic for all the wrong reasons, but what if we found the right reason to call it historic? In this episode, Matt Ackermann is joined by Mark Bruno from Echelon Partners and Integr

Episode 3 – Looking Back and Moving Forward — With David Canter
December 30, 2020

2020 has forced us to look at how we conduct business and evolve. What does the future look like? In this episode, Matt Ackermann is joined by David Canter, executive vice president of Fidelity Investments.

Episode 2 – Evolution In The Face Of Adversity – with Mark Tibergien
December 15, 2020

With COVID changing nearly everything about how we live our daily lives, we have learned to adapt to this new normal. In this episode, Matt Ackermann is joined by Mark Tibergien, retired CEO of Pershing Advisor Solutions.

Episode 1 – Are You Stirring the Pot While You Stir The Pot? – With Dr. Daniel Crosby
November 20, 2020

How many times have you heard to never bring politics up with your family? Ignore every time that you’ve heard that—talking about sensitive subjects can actually help you build stronger relationships.  In this premiere episode of Perfectly Integrated,
