Latest Episodes

Bucket Lists and Clearing Space with Sara
January 10, 2024

Its the New Year and you may have created a new Bucket List or reviewed your old one- or not made one. Sara talks about what a bucket list is to her and how some of her items are in Pen vs. Pencil.Bucket Lists can include places you want to visit, Pro

How to Get Unstuck with Britt Frank
January 03, 2024

Britt Frank, LSCSW, is a licensed neuropsychotherapist and author of The Science of Stuck. Britt is a contributing writer to Psychology Today and her work has been featured in Forbes, NPR, Fast Company, Psych Central, SELF, and Thrive Global. She explores

Reflection and creation for the end of the Year with Sara
December 27, 2023

Sara shares with you how she glides out of 2023 and heads into 2024. The key questions to ask yourself are: What do I want and How do I want to Feel. She comes clean about wanting to give up her business in the beginning of 2023 but knew she would feel re

Survivors and psychopaths with Sandra L. Brown
December 20, 2023

Sandra L. Brown, M.A., is the founder ofThe Institute for Relational Harm Reduction & Public Pathology Education. A former psychotherapist in the field of psychopathology, Sandra currently is an accomplished community educator on the intersections of men

Living by the Japanese code of Bushido with Sara
December 13, 2023

Bushido means way of the warrior. It is also known as The Samurai Code of Chivalry. The laws of Bushido focus on honor, courage, skill, and loyalty above everything. The 8 virtues include: Justice, courage, mercy, respect, honesty, honor, loyalty and

Say It Out Loud and Live Boldly with Sara and Vasavi Kumar
December 06, 2023

Vasavi Kumar is often described as the Queen of Saying It Out Loud. A first-generation Indian immigrant, Vasavi has relentlessly searched to find her own voice, access the freedom of her creative spirit, and help others along the way.When she was diag

Ready for Love: Love Yourself first
November 29, 2023

A big milestone marker happened around Thanksgiving weekend. It has been 10 years since Sara first learned of her husbands betrayal, and began a journey of grief, anger, forgiveness and ultimately the most important journey: Knowing and loving herself.

The Boldest Move is Choosing Yourself! with Dr. Sylvia K
November 22, 2023

Last time Dr. Sylvia visited with Sara they talked about loneliness, the importance of connection, past family trauma and post-partum loneliness. This time, Dr. Sylvia has since moved from the USA to Switzerland and talks about all the familiar feelings o

The last 10 years: Always notice the signs in front of you
November 15, 2023

Thanksgiving time marks the anniversary of when Sara experienced the betrayal trauma of her marriage. It has been 10 years. This episode is about what she has learned, how she has progressed from the lowest point to the present joyful point and how living

Frankie Russo and Love Your Weird
November 08, 2023

As an expert in Innovation and change management, Frankie Russo has helped hundreds of people ignite innovation and transform into authentic leaders at the four organizations he has led, authored two bestselling books, and achieved 60X growth with his tec