Grace on Tap

Latest Episodes
Episode 74 – Luther’s Postil on the Third Sunday in Advent Epistle Part 1
Martin Luther wrote a commentary intended for preachers called a Postil. He examined the Epistle and Gospel reading for each week in the one-year lectionary series. This episode of Grace on Tap featur
Episode 73 – Luther’s Postil Second Sunday in Advent Gospel Part 2
Mike Yagley and Evan Gaertner discuss Martin Luthers Gospel study for the Second Sunday in Advent. The Gospel lesson studied is Luke 21:25-33. How do we look ahead with hope and confidence to the Las
Episode 72 – Second Sunday in Advent Gospel Part 1
Mike Yagley and Evan Gaertner explore Dr. Martin Luthers Winter Postil Second Sunday in Advent Gospel (Part 1) Grace on Tap, is a podcast that delves into the heart of Reformation theology, parti
Episode 71 – Luther’s Postil First Sunday in Advent Gospel Part 4
In this edition, Evan Gaertner and Mike Yagley delve into the fourth part of their series on Martin Luthers Postil, where they explore Luthers sermon on the Gospel reading for the First Sunday in
Episode 70 – Luther’s Postil First Sunday in Advent Gospel Part 3
In this episode of the Grace on Tap podcast, the Mike Yagley and Evan Gaertner continue their series on Martin Luthers Postil, a collection of text commentaries he gave on the Bible readings thro
Episode 69 – Church Postil First Sunday of Advent Part 2
Evan Gaertner and Mike Yagley continue a discussion on Dr. Martin Luthers Church Postil commentary on the Gospel lesson for the First Sunday of Advent The Palm Sunday entrance of Jesus into Jerusal
Episode 68 – Church Postil First Sunday in Advent Part 1
Mike Yagley and Evan Gaertner discuss Dr. Martin Luthers verse by verse commentary in his Church Postil. A postil is a commentary that is published to help preachers. Episodes 68-71 cover the materia
Episode 67 – Luther’s Postil First Sunday in Advent Epistle
Mike Yagley and Evan Gaertner discuss Dr. Martin Luthers sermon commentary on the Epistle Lesson for the First Sunday in Advent. This commentary is found in Luthers Works Volume 75, Church Postil I.
Episode 66 – Luther’s Postils Introduction
Dr. Martin Luther collected sermons for the one year lectionary into a publication called a Postil. The sermons were originally published as an aide for pastors in preparing their own sermons. The ser
Episode 65 – Luther’s Commentary on the Magnificat
In 1521, Luther published his commentary to the Magnificat found in Luke 1:46-55. This commentary was written for the narrow audience of Prince John Frederick and for the wider audience of all people